Monday, February 28, 2005

Gobions Workparty Sunday 27th February 2005

The previous week's snows seem to have abated, so we planted a couple of oak trees in the Brazier plantation, courtesy of Mike & Pat Brazier, and some more hawthorn saplings on the West Boundary Path, which we should be able to layer into a new hedge in three year's time.


Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Gobions Workparty Sunday 13th February 2005

Carried out repairs to a boardwalk at the East end of the woods, plus general pruning.


Monday, February 07, 2005

Gobions Workparty Sunday 6th February 2005

Having done some pruning of the pathways, had a walk around the woods to survey what was required. Found a boardwalk which was in need of repair at the East end of the woods.
