Monday, June 21, 2004

Gobions Workparty Sunday 20th June 2004

Path clearance continued today, covering Oak Tree path, The West boundary path and the WI Plantation.

We also did some hedge laying on the West Boundary path and cleared around the existing hazel hedging.

If the current weather holds, we will be in the Brazier Plantation next week.

Many thanks to those of you we met in the woods today, and the kind words about the workparty.


Monday, June 14, 2004

Gobions Workparty Sunday 13th June 2004

Today we continued with the path clearance, plus clearing around some of the younger trees to give them a better chance of survival.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Gobions Workparty Sunday 6th June 2004

Another beautiful day! With all this rain and sunshine everything has been growing like mad, and of course the paths are all getting overgrown. So today we were out clearing the paths, and managed to clear the west boundary path and the paths around Leach Fields.

Steve in Bluebridge Avenue has reported a pine down at the east end, so we'll go and have a look at it and probably clear it next Sunday.
